Ok, so I challenged the STM Chicks today of what was their most FUN job ever....so here's mine....
Many of the jobs I ever held were basically FUN, ok, so maybe not the job itself, stressful is more like it, but basically, there's a FUN element about each of them.
Starting from out of college I held a job as an Aerobics Instructor. Speaking of work! Whew! Work-out it was! I would teach classes back to back and sometimes I would go for 5 hours straight teaching aerobics! But hey, I was way younger then too :) I had LOTS of stamina! Heeheehee! That was FUN, the pay wasn't much, but I had a body a quarter could bounce off of! :)
After that I got a more serious job for one of the major life insurance companies. I had to make some kind of a living right? So I did that. Moved up the corporate ladder. Great pay and benefits but it came with lots of responsibilites and lots of stress. Managing people in the Call Center was not glamorous. But what I loved about it were the perks! After work outings, holiday parties, long lunch hours, friends. Those were the things I miss! Those were FUN, ahhhhh..... {my mind's wandering}..... the good old days. Left that to pursue my dream of being a full-time Mom. OK, wait a minute, I'm getting to the most FUN job I ever had!!! Keep reading....
About 3 years ago, I ran into one of my good friends from highschool. I was shopping at Victoria's Secret and she happens to be the manager there. We were joking around about how much FUN it would be to work there and she hired me on the spot. I worked around my family's work schedule. So that was neat. And then working there at the store......talk about S-E-X-Y!!! I loved it. I got to see first hand what's NEW, and we got to try out everything and I mean everything in the store so we know what we're selling and talk to the customers about. Speaking of customers, I'm sure you can imagine, I've met some quite "interesting" people. And some are "famous" people. Maybe someday, I'll tell you over a nice glass of mai-tais! LOL! Anyway, moreof the perks, we always got FREE sexy-wearables each month! LOL! So talk about great perks! Unfortunately, it had to be cut short. I had to quit. Why? If you're doing the math correctly, you would have figured out that's about when Connor came along. GOTCHA!
So kind of like Gaspe Chick, that job would forever change my life path. Happier family, bigger family and lots of VS wearables! :)

How about you, what was the most FUN job you ever had? Comment here!