So you want to know about me huh? To Be Jozzie! Well, let me tell you…
As you can tell by my LO, I love dramatic colors. My favorite colors are red and black. I love lots of other colors as well. But I notice I wear a lot of reds and blacks. Anyway, when I create LO I notice I’m drawn to bright and dramatic colors that make a statement. That would be me too, always making a statement. I’ve been told I’m dramatic too! HAH!!
These are all my doodling and handwriting too by the way! I wrote in the middle of the small flowers using my white gel pen. Note the writing around the flowers; I think it created a nice accent to them. So here are my statements…
Christmas baby 1963, Mrs. @ 1989, Mom @ 1994 & 2004, SU! Demo 2000, Dazzle In Style 2006.
Around the flowers I wrote several things that I like, other hats that I wear and how I am about my art: Inspiring, Fun, Creative, Passionate, Artistic, Dream, Teacher, Coach, Room mom, Best Friend, Mai Tais, Sushi. Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much is how I live my life.
If I’m not in my Art Studio, you can find me at Victoria’s Secret, 9 West, Aldo and the Gap. That’s where I love to shop.
Supplies used:
Cardstock ~ SU!
“J” stamp ~ Making Memories
Big Flower ~ Heidi Swapp
Button ~ MM
Small Flowers ~ Doodlebugs Inc.
Transparent Paper w/ Fluorishes ~ My Mind’s Eye
Glue ~ Scotch Tacky glue for the flowers
Crystal Glaze ~ to adhere transparency frame onto photo
Adhesive ~ ATG 714
White gel pen by Sakura for doodling and writing
Thanks for looking!