It's Been A SLICE!
Adding this baby in my wish list! Read about it HERE!
How about you? What do you use for font creations? Do you have a die cut machine? Do you think you'll want to buy this? Let me know what you think of it!
whether it's paper or food, this is the place where you can find inspiration for cardmaking, scrapbooking, paper crafting and cooking too!
1) Tips and Such: If my busy life does not consume me, I will try to post as much as I can about anything and everything my heart tells me to do.
2) Check me out on EBAY. You may find something there you like!
3) RG's and RF's: So what do they stand for? They're Random Give-aways and Random Freebies, consecutively. Be a regular visitor on my blog and from time to time, you just may receive something fun from me in the mail.
So sit back. Enjoy. Grab a cup of coffee, chai or H2O and stay awhile.
EMAIL ME if you have any questions!
Adding this baby in my wish list! Read about it HERE!
How about you? What do you use for font creations? Do you have a die cut machine? Do you think you'll want to buy this? Let me know what you think of it!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
11:47 AM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM, Card, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
I am soooo excited! I logged on Scrapbook Chalet and this is what I saw...
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to give a HUGE Thank you to everyone who applied for the New Creative Team, and a SPECIAL Thank you to our current Creative Team for helping to make the Chalet what it is today! You Ladies ROCK!!
Every piece of work is totally amazing, and it was so much fun going through everything.. However, I think it was also the hardest thing I've had to do in a very long time.. There is SO much talent at the Chalet, and I only wish I could have chosen everyone.. But, we all know that's impossible, atleast for
Without further ado, it is my pleasure to announce our NEW CREATIVE TEAM.. Let's give a warm welcome to:
Chalet Creative Crew
*Jeanne* ~ Our Creative Team Coordinator
Leslie Ashe ~ Leslie
Isabelle Cipriani ~ Isabelle
Nancy Jones ~ Nancy
Vanilla ~ Michelle
Chelsea Giles ~ Chelsea
Volcano Girl ~ Heather
Mom2Zoe ~ Dena
KristenJo ~ Kristen
BeckyThackston ~ Becky
Card Creation Crew
Bonbitz ~ Jaci
Tropicalart77 ~ Tammy
In addition, I would also like to announce our
Guest Designers for the following 6 months:
March ~ Taylorsmom
April ~ Craft Girl
May ~ Amy Coose
June ~ Jozzie
July ~ Elizabeth
August ~ LAH924
Laura Gordon
Is that not FUN or what?! I can't wait until June! Thanks Laura! Come join us at Scrapbook Chalet. That place ROCKS!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
8:54 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
~ let your dreams guide you
~ believe in yourself
~ do all things with LOVE
This was a photo taken of Ava this past Christmas. I just love these new toys ~ Basic Grey and Prima flowers!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
11:23 PM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
...seldom unravels.
Here's one LO I did with the new Basic Grey paper I got! Did lots of faux stitching and paper piecing. Hope you like it!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
11:00 PM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
I'm sorry I have been MIA in the blog world for a while. I really did have a post or two saved in draft but I just can't get myself to finish it. I really want to write about my past discoveries this past week, but for some reason I can't get myself to finish it, let alone get past two sentences. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm a little disheartened about it. But as much as I hate it when I hear someone say this, I'll say it anyway, "It is what it is". Don't you just hate that sentence?! I do! It sounds so passive. So blah! Like you don't even try. Eeek! Anyway, maybe I'll finish that post and publish it. For now, I like what I read on my friend Rene's blog so I'll do it here.
I know it's Thursday so does this mean Thursday to Thursday? Yes! OK, so here's my 5 things....
1) Tomorrow I get to cater and chaperone my daughter's junior high dance! Yeay {insert sarcastic tone here}. OK, my daughter doesn't like it and guess what? I'd rather stay home and watch a movie. Do I really want to watch 60 kids dancing to YMCA?! She' goes to a Catholic school so what could they be doing at a dance? Am I being naive? Oh wait! D'oh! That could be a "Kodak" moment eh?! Well, in this case, a Sony moment! Shhh...don't tell Ava!
2) Saturday I get to buy a new dryer. Don't get too excited now. But I swear they don't make appliances as good as they used to. 7 years tops. They're dead! So I get to pick a new one. I know, I'd rather buy shoes! So this list is supposed to be 5 things we're looking forward to, right?
3) Sunday, Ava's VB game. Another long day. We usually all get up at 4:30 AM. Game starts at 8AM and goes until 4PM. Connor will be with my in laws. It's just easier for every body. Then my MIL makes us dinner. So it's a nice family thing. And BTW, Ava is getting really good! I hope you can watch her someday....
4) Make more LOs and use up all the Basic Grey supplies I bought the other day. I need to post some here don't I? OK will do!
5) Oh yeah! A FUN one. Don't get JEALOUS Rene! I'm going to the Alumni Club a week from tonight!!! Did I tell you I love to dance. Well, a few of my girl friends, {dont' worry, you're still my #1}, and I are in this "Birthday Club". What it is is for our birthday month {I know we're late for mine}, we pick what we want to do, and we all go out! So since I love to dance, the hostess, who's birthday was the past month, coordinates the where, when, who and other details. So, we're meeting at one of my girlfriend's house for appetizers and drinks, then we're driving over to the Alumni. Care to join us???? Wish you can come! I've had great memories of that place! Teehee!
Well, have a great week!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:28 PM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM
Check out my gallery to see what I did with this photo!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
4:34 PM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM, Photography, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
Guess where I went at 9am this morning?! Sorry Rene, I couldn't get to the phone. I was in the midst of listening to a Big Shot Demo! LOL! It's the Ellison Die cut machine. So many machines, so much confusion. No, I didn't get one. I still don't know what to get. But partly, because I don't want to get sucked in throwing away too much money in the long run. I mean, it doesn't just stop there....buying the machine.....after that, you've got to buy templates, adaptors, pads, blah, blah, blah. So I don't want to go to the poor house. But then again, it can do so many things!!! One of the things I love to do is dry emboss. She showed me how this machine can do that for me in two seconds! Whereas, the tradional way, will take me much longer than that! So, hmmmm.....I'm still undecided.
But look at what I bought instead! Lots and lots of paper. I just love these Basic Grey paper kit, don't you? Can't wait to make something out of those. Then I bought some Rhonna Farrer's (fluorishes and flower) acrylic stamps. My first stamp purchase out of SU! I've always been a SU! snob. So I'm getting away from that and using more products out there! SOOOOO liberating! But look at all the possibilities! So many products, so many YUMMIES! Ribbons, I can never have too much! I love these Basic Grey ribbon assortment! I got the Urban Couture and Lilly Kate to go with the paper I got! Then I also bought some Prima flowers. I'm a flower chick so I have to have flowers! And speaking of flowers, I also got some of those flower scuffers from Lasting Impressions.
Archiver's were also having a buy one get one free of adhesives so I bought a couple of those too! They were having LOTS of specials today, so if you have one by you....make sure to go!!! Also, since I'm one of their "loyal" customers, they gave me a gift! I got some of the Designer Paper with matching buttons. See them right in the front there? Also, check out the two cards Ava and I made from their make and takes! Inspiring....
OK, so I better go now and play with my new toys! I want to make some FUN things for my friends at My Scrapworks! Come back again, so you get to see what I've created with them!!! Or check out my gallery at My Scrapworks!
Happy Saturday!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
12:49 PM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM, Card, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
I want winter to be over already. My poor Connor is still so congested. It's been Day 6 since he's had this awful cold. Called the Dr. and prescribed "Donnatussin". Sounds like Robi's wife?!? LOL! Ok, so I crack myself up! But you've got to admit it's funny, yes?!?
Anyway, can't wait for him to try this out so the poor kid can get some sleep and so can I!
Look at him at this photo with a chafed nose!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
3:33 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM
As a Food & Nutrition major I make sure my family eats well. I found this real great resource to help us with our busy lifestyle. Go check them out!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:47 PM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM, Food for Thought, Food Stuff
This little girl needs your help! She has a condition called, cloaca, and she needs to have major surgery done and needs to have it done soon! We are all banning together as crafters to make projects to auction to help raise money for the surgery she has to have.
Please read more about it here --- HELPING TRAELYN. We are looking for craft donations, or bidders for the craft or even if you just want to copy and paste this post on your blog to help spread the word around.
Thank you all so much!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
6:06 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM, Card, Food for Thought, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
Did you watch it last night? I didn't see that coming! Did you?! So what do you think? Is that the end of him? I hate to lose that guy. He's kind of cute! :(
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
7:13 PM
1 of you said...
Labels: AAM
So I wake up this morning and made myself up so I can go grocery shopping. Got breakfast made for the kids, we made it out of here on time. Took my DD to school and DS is off shopping with me. Everything is going OK so far. So while shopping, he does this little thing in the corner, you know where his face starts turning red?! OK, so hold on, I'm rushing so we can get out of here. I get ready to pay, would you believe I forgot my wallet? No ID, no card, no check. Zilch, zero, nada. Don't you hate that?! So I asked the clerk if she wouldn't mind keeping an eye on my groceries so I can run home and get my money. She was nice enough and said "no problem". Luckily, I only live 5 minutes from the store. So I drive home.....with my little stinkie. By this time, the temp is dropping, it's snowing, it's a mess, in more ways than one. But I wanted to get back in the store quickly so instead of making "any sort of change", I run in the house to look for my wallet. Can't find it, but I found my checkbook. So run back out, drive to the store. Took care of everything, done --- DS and I are home. Yep, so by this time I made some "change". And would you know, it's all over.........I mean, how the heck did I get that on my purse, on my coat, on his clothes, all over.....all OVER!!!! UGH!!! Heavens, I put him in the tub to give him a scrub down. YUCK! He's all clean now. I have to take my coat to the cleaners. My purse....oh my purse!
Anyway, all's quiet now in the Western front! :)
So how about you, what kind of day are you having? Hope it's better than mine!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:24 AM
of you said...
Labels: AAM
Oh my!!!! What a day I'm having!!! I logged on this morning and checked out My Scrapworks website and guess what I see!
Yep, that would be ME!!! I am so excited about my new role! Did you know I'm now a Cardologist?!?!? LOL!!!
Go check my first article and be inspired! Then make sure to bookmark My Scrapworks website and check it often. All the other artists/contributors on there are soooooo creative ~ you will be inspired beyond imagination! While you're there, make sure to check out the gallery, join the forum, and read all the past and fresh articles. You will truly LOVE it!!!
And one last thing, make sure to show them some love! Scroll all the way to the bottom of the home page and click them some hugs! I know you will love their website as much as I do!!!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
3:13 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM, Card, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
DARN!!! What started out so GREAT ended up in a disappointment. The Bears scoring a touchdown in just a few minutes of the game was sooo exciting I thought that set the tone for the whole game. I thought it was a done deal! Bummer! Final score: 29-17.
I remember the last time I saw the Bears play in the Superbowl, I was in College. My DH and I were watching it from our apartment, eating oysters. LOL! Most people would be eating pizza and beer. We're weird I know. But we had FUN!! I don't remember who won but I remember everything else though. =)
Saturday we watched "Tristan & Isolde". It was a love triangle sort of story. I love, love stories. If you haven't seen it, it's a good watch.
Pretty much we stayed in all weekend. It was 1 degree outside. Brrrrr.......
So how was your weekend? Do tell!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
3:52 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM