Ready, Set, Play!!!
Ok guys, go check out Theresa's new RAK giveaway! She's doing another challenge and you get to win a FUN kit!!!
Tell her I sent yah! Then let me know if you're playing!
Good Luck Chicas!
whether it's paper or food, this is the place where you can find inspiration for cardmaking, scrapbooking, paper crafting and cooking too!
1) Tips and Such: If my busy life does not consume me, I will try to post as much as I can about anything and everything my heart tells me to do.
2) Check me out on EBAY. You may find something there you like!
3) RG's and RF's: So what do they stand for? They're Random Give-aways and Random Freebies, consecutively. Be a regular visitor on my blog and from time to time, you just may receive something fun from me in the mail.
So sit back. Enjoy. Grab a cup of coffee, chai or H2O and stay awhile.
EMAIL ME if you have any questions!
Ok guys, go check out Theresa's new RAK giveaway! She's doing another challenge and you get to win a FUN kit!!!
Tell her I sent yah! Then let me know if you're playing!
Good Luck Chicas!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:43 AM
of you said...
Labels: Card, Contest, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
ANNOUNCING ~ Designing Like a Star Contest
Scrapbook Chalet is proud to announce an exciting contest that will get your creative juices flowing and challenges to set your mind free.
To enter and participate in the “Designing Like a Star” contest, you must upload 1 or 2 of your best 8.5 x 11, 12 x 12, Digital layouts, cards, and/or altered items into the “Designing Like a Star” section of the gallery, no later than midnight EST March 31th. Your layouts, cards, and/or altered items do not have to be an original, but must show your creativeness and style. Doing this will enter your name into the Contest!
Everyone who enters their layouts, cards, and/or altered items in the gallery by Midnight EST March 31th will automatically become one of the contestants. After you upload your 8.5 x 11, 12 x 12, Digital layouts, cards, and/or altered items, you must send an email to listing your name, user name, layout and/or altered item titles. This information will be posted in a special section of the message board so everyone will get to know each other better, and will also know who the participants are.
On Monday, April 2nd, we will announce the first “Designing Like a Star” challenge. You will have one week to complete the challenge and upload it to the “Designing Like a Star” Section of the gallery by Sunday, Midnight EST.
Every week thereafter on Monday's ~ the contestants and our message board members, will be given the opportunity to vote someone out. Voting will only take place on Monday's until 8PM, EST and failure to cast your vote before 8PM EST will result in the loss of your vote. After the voting, the NEW Challenge will go up along with the participants who will move to the next round!
Depending on the number of contestants playing, this will determine how many get voted out each week, until we are down to the final 5. Once there are only 5 contestants remaining in the Contest, only one will be voted off per week. During the elimination process, I will ask everyone on the board to be our judges, and I will have a SPECIAL GUEST announce who will become our “Designing Like a Star”.
Participation on the board is a MUST for ALL players!
There will be random weekly challenges for immunity which will give you a chance of not being voted out for the following week. We will also be giving random challenges throughout the game for various prizes, so participation is extremely important. Any and all Challenge announcements will be posted on the board. Failure to upload the challenge layout by the posted deadlines will result in disqualification.
Our Contest will consist of the following Challenges, but not limited to:
Ad Challenges
Sketch Challenges
Color Challenges
Product Challenges
Scraplift Challenges
Celebrity Challenges
Blog Challenges
NSBR Website Challenges
and many more...
Grand Prize:
The winner of the “Designing Like a Star” contest, as chosen by the jury, will be our Featured Member for the month on our Website & Newsletter, along with a $ 250.00 Gift Basket from Various Sponsors
Good Luck everyone, and most of all, have FUN!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
9:18 PM
of you said...
Labels: Blog Challenge, Card, Contest, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
I joined a Chat at Scrapbook Chalet, when we had Christy Tomlinson and I won a RAK! Laura pulled my name out of a hat! Look at what she sent me! Isn't she generous?! I can't wait to play with my new toys! Make sure to stop by again and I'll post a photo of what I've created with these yummy things! :)
Now, if you haven't already joined Scrapbook Chalet make sure you do! We will have Candi Gershon, on April 6th, 10PM EST! Be there!!!!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
5:42 PM
of you said...
Labels: Scrapbooking
I'm soo happy! My sister comes in from Florida and she and I are spending the night downtown! Whoo-hoo!
We'll be shopping at the Water Tower, have dinner someplace and maybe dancing too! :) The next day, we'll take the train into Barrington and have lunch. Then we have a night of just the girls with my daughter. First VB practice then Dinner at The Wild Orchid ~ a nice Thai restaurant in town. Then if it's not too late maybe we'll watch "The Lakehouse" with my man Keanu! ;)
VB Tournament the next day in Rockford. That's an all day event so we'll probably have dinner someplace fun. The next day, guess where I'm taking her? ARCHIVER'S!!! Teehhee! Gotta have some scrapbooking fun there somewhere.
Then all week will be filled with more shopping, eating and hanging out! I can't wait to see her!!
Check out this place - doesn't it look like FUN!?
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
11:33 AM
of you said...
Labels: AAM
When you visit Family Watch, you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as a small icon of a house. There will be red, blue and green dots surrounding your entire neighborhood. When you click on these dots a picture of a criminal will appear with his or her home address and the description of the crime he or she has committed.
The best thing is that you can show your children these pictures and see how close these people live to your home or school.
This site was developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted. This is another tool we can use to help us keep our kids safe.
Please pass this on to everyone!!!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:09 AM
of you said...
Labels: AAM, Food for Thought
I found it! There has been a talk about this book at the Scrapbook Chalet and read positive feedback about it. So I have been searching high and low and so I emailed AE herself. I always bug the poor girl whenever I need something. She'll think I'm stalking her. Well, anyway, she's always been so gracious and emails me back every single time. And guess what?! She emailed me again this time. And she much sit in front of her computer all the time because every time I have emailed her, she responds right back. Anyway, thank you Ali! I found the book and I will make sure to order me a copy.
A signed copy would have been nicer though.... :)
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
11:00 PM
of you said...
Labels: Food for Thought, Photography, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
Got this at Target yesterday! I had to buy it and do something with it. So here you go girls....
Jozzie's ad:
"need ideas & inspiration? grab a mojo! cliff mojo is all about getting out there, trying new things, combining new colors and textures, and respecting the planet by using as many organic embellishments as possible & because it's got all sorts of good stuff in it, your mind will dig it too. cliff mojo. get some!"
Cliff's ad:
"cliff mojo is all about getting out there, trying new things, combining new flavors and textures, and respecting the planet by using as many organic ingredients as possible & because it's got all sorts of good stuff in it, your body will dig it too. cliff mojo. get some!"
Now how about that?! Bet you didn't know they made an energy bar for us scrapbookers! LOL! So next time you think you're out of know what to get!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
12:04 AM
of you said...
Labels: Food for Thought, Food Stuff, Project Inspiration
Was there ever a song that you've heard from many years back that when you hear in the present moment, still brings a smile to your face? I know I do! Here's mine....
Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing.
As we danced in the night,
Remember how the stars stole the night away
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in September
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day
My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love,
Remember how we knew love was here to stay
Now December found the love that we shared in September.
Only blue talk and love,
Remember the true love we share today
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in September
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in September
Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days
I was in high school....the clock tower, the football stadium, outside the girls locker room. Hah! The good old days. I still remember. Do you? How about you, do you have any songs in your past that when you hear now, still brings a smile to you face?
Oh yeah, BTW, do you know what song that is and who sang it?
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
3:26 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM
Are you in the mood for some FUN Challenges Chalet style?! Come play with us at The Chalet! Read the post below.
Let's get the CHALET ROCKIN'
We're going to have 4 Challenges this month, and the winners will all receive a special RAK from the Chalet!
Challenge #1:
I want everyone to start creating:
In your signature line I want you to put the following:
Altered Items:
Each time you complete something, add it to the gallery under the catagory I'll make for you, and keep the running total on your siggy..
The person with the most completed items will win the RAK
Challenge # 2
Leaving some Love in the gallery: Keep track of your comments in the gallery and post them here. I will do the final totals at the end to announce the winner.
Challenge # 3
Posting Frenzy: Let's start getting the board rockin' again, and lets see who can talk the most.. List your starting post count here, and at the end I'll announce the winner for a RAK.. Side Note: Your gallery comments will not be included in your post count during this challenge.. When the challenge is over, I will allow this again.
Challenge # 4:
Referrels: Let's bring in New Members and have a PARTY.. Ask them to list you as a referrel, and join us for a great time.. The person who has the most will win a RAK! Make sure to tell them "Jozzie" sent you!
All Challenges will start Now, March 3rd and end on March 20th.
Have FUN & Enjoy!
Laura gives away some nice RAKS! So don't waste another minute. Sign up today at the Chalet!
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:21 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM, Card, Contest, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
Last night at the Chalet we had the pleasure of chatting with Christi Tomlinson. It was such a blast! She's as sweet as she looks! Go check out her blog for a nice "Betcha Didn't Know" Challenge!
Anyway, we got to know her more and hear about her adventures! She's very down to earth and a very honest person. You don't meet many of those... She was genuine! I love that!
Her advice to many of us that want to take our hobby up a notch, is to submit, submit, submit. Submit anything! You just never know what they're looking for. Leah Fung told me the same thing over breakfast last year at CHA.
So depending on where you're at with your passion, you can take this advice. Me? I just do it whenever my heart feels right about it. I don't submit or try out a lot. But when I do, it's because I feel good about it! You know that feeling you get when you're out shopping and you see something you just have to have? Well, if I don't get that feeling about something or a submission for that matter, I don't become a slave to it. I do it because I want to.....because I love to......because I'm BEING. To do it for any other reason, is just a distraction in this journey called life.
But that's just me. How about you, done any submissions lately?
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:50 AM
of you said...
Labels: AAM, Project Challenge, Project Inspiration, Scrapbooking
So what's today!? If you're Catholic then you know that supposedly you don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. Some people even give something up for 40 days. I think it has something to do with Jesus going up in the mountains and fasted for 40 days. There's more to it than that...but that's all I know. Now here is where I get confused about the whole thing.
I see people give something up...but why? Some of these people don't even know why they're doing it. And the kicker for me is when they give up something but are still doing something else that I think is sinful or just not being honest. Why give up something that you believe is bad only for 40 days? Why not be consistent and just be a good person? Just be a good Christian, all around, for the rest of your life?
Oh well, I didn't write this to fluff some feathers or anything. Today, I just happen to be craving (no, I'm not pregnant) for a nice, juicy, rare steak grilled over charcoal. Thanks Rene!for that post about FF Grill. I'm so salivating right now, I need to stay away from the computer or I'll get electrocuted! LOL! So, did I give up meat for Lent? No way! I don't eat red meat that often so to give it up for Lent, wouldn't make much sense. I practice the Golden Rule. Do unto others before they do unto me.........LOL.........just kidding! I'm a good Christian and I don't pretent to be perfect. But I do to others what I want to be done to me. I am a good person that treat others with love, honesty and respect. And to give up meat would not make me a better or for that matter lesser of a person. I'm consistent in my ways. I don't give up something for the sake of it, or for whatever reason and fall short in other ways in my life. Off my soapbox! :)
How about you, did you give something up? Why?
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
10:21 AM
of you said...
Labels: AAM, Food for Thought
Thought I'd stop by and write you folks a little something. I had such a fun day today. Despite the weather (cold, wet & gray), still managed to go shopping. SHOPPING! Did you hear that?! See, FUN! Anyway, DS was with the in-laws, as he always is every Thursdays. So this is my FREE day. Anyway, went shopping and bought lots of fun stuff for me to wear. No scrapbooking stuff this time. Clothes! YUM! Can I say YUM when I describe clothes?! Anyway, they are. A couple pairs of pants and 5 blouses. So now I just need some place to go! Darn it! Where can I go?
Have you been to the Bamboo Room? We ended up cancelling on Alumni Club tonight. But we'll check out this place in April. Let me know who wants to join us. I can add you to my VIP list! Should be a FUN time! I'd love for you to be there! :)
So what am I doing right now? I'm listening to my iTunes. Here's what I'm listening to:
Don't Matter ~ Akon
Promise ~ Ciara
I Write Sins Not Tragedies ~ Panic! At the Disco
Move Along ~ The All-American Rejects
Bad Day ~ Daniel Powter
Too Little, Too Late ~ JoJo
Year 3000 ~ Jonas Brothers
It Ends Tonight ~ The All-American Rejects
Waiting On the World to Change ~ John Mayer
It's Not Over ~ Daughtry
Last Night ~ Diddy featuring Keyshia Cole
Tell Me ~ Diddy featuring Christina Aguilera
My Love (Single Version) ~ Justin Timberlake
Chasing Cars ~ Snow Patrol
Wait a Minute ~ The Pussycat Dolls
Walk Away (Remember Me) ~ Paula DeAnda
How to Save a Life ~ The Fray
Suddenly I See ~ KT Tunstall
Say It Right ~ Nelly Furtado
London Bridge (Edited Version) ~ Fergie
Fergalicious (Edited Version) ~ Fergie
Irreplaceable ~ Beyoncé
Buttons ~ The Pussycat Dolls featuring Big Snoop Dogg
SexyBack ~ Justin Timberlake featuring Timbaland
Everywhere ~ Michelle Branch
Breathe Your Name ~ Sixpence None The Richer
Kiss Me ~ Sixpence None The Richer
Where'd You Go (Non-PA Version) ~ Fort Minor
Gotta Get Thru This (D'n'D Radio Edit) ~ Daniel Bedingfield
Unwritten ~ Natasha Bedingfield
My Humps ~ Black Eyed Peas
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) ~ Green Day Alternative
Collide ~ Howie Day
You and Me ~ Lifehouse
Why Can't I? (Live) ~ Liz Phair
Semi-Charmed Life ~ Third Eye Blind Alternative
How's It Going to Be ~ Third Eye Blind Alternative
Do you have any of these songs? Which are your favorites? They say your eyes are windows to your soul. Could songs be the windows to your heart?
Written by
~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~
9:52 PM
of you said...
Labels: AAM