Hey Guys!
Sorry it's been a while. I don't know what it is about the holidays...it seems like you wait forever for it to be here, then when it's here, it's gone in 30 seconds! HAH! Was that a movie or what?! Well, in any event, I had a fabulous Thanksgiving. How about you?
We started off with spending the holiday dinner at the in-laws. Celebrated Connor's birthday then too. He got a lot of Superman anything. He's into Superman this year! His cake also had a Superman picture on it. We had a nice time.
The next day, we went downtown to see the Tree Lighting.
Sorry about the picture. It's hard to keep a steady hand with hundreds of thousands of people near you and I think it was some 10 degrees too cold that night! I can barely feel my fingers! The kids also saw Santa @ Macy's. We finished it off with a dinner at Greektown. Then took the train back. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Saturday, Kurt and Connor went to hang out with his cousin. Ava went to lunch with her cousin. I went shopping! What's a girl to do?!?!?! LOL!
Sunday, we did our little family tradition of me making the turkey and all the trimmings. Well, actually, I roast my turkey stuffed with onion, citrus and herbs. And I prepared my own stuffing made with ciabatta bread, which was baked OUTSIDE of the turkey. It's healthier, safer and yummier that way. I also made my famous corn casserole and cranberries with Amaretto! While I cook, DH put all the holiday decor and lights outside, while DD and DS decorate the tree and put out all the rest of the Christmas decorations all over the house. I must say, the house looks beautiful and so festive. Dinner was also a success!
I am grateful for my little family and the things we get to do together. We build memories that hopefully, my children will pass on to their own families someday... I am forever thankful for what God has given me.
I hope you all had as great a time as I had this Thanksgiving! Here's to you guys...