Saturday, December 23, 2006

Holiday Travel...

Counting down the hours where I go and hop on that plane to visit my family in Florida! Guess what time our flight is! 6AM on Sunday (Christmas Eve) morning! Aaaah! Crazy, eh?! But hopefully the kids, especially my 2YO, will be sleeping all the way there. I'm so looking forward to being with my family during the holidays and also celebrating my 27th (ahem) birthday! Yep, I was born December 25th! Such a special day! HAH!!!

What do I love about traveling? Of course getting ready for it, the anticipation, the outings, hanging out, doing nothing or doing lots of times.....everyday is something to look forward to.......and afterwards the memories made.......scrapping moments :)

What I like least? Packing followed by the "til we meet again" moment! Argh!

Check out STM to see the other chicks response!

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