Saturday, December 16, 2006

If I had 15 minutes to spare....

Just what would I do? Geesh, does it only have to be just 15 minutes?! I'm sleep deprived at times so I would want some extra sleep. But that seems such a waste. I would love to go shopping but for 15 minutes, I would stress out and I think I want to use that extra 15 minutes doing something very relaxing. Ahhh....a bubble bath? Sounds like FUN but I need company when I do that! Then I don't know if 15 minutes would be enough. HAH! Seriously though, 15 minutes, I would love to make cards, while listening to some music and sipping a nice cup of tea. In 15 minutes I can easily crank out 5 or 6 of them. Then if I had another 15 minutes I'd love to mail them out to people I love.

Look at some of my creations from the previous entries. You'll see some of my FUN creations from last night using just the supplies I had at hand. It was sooo FUN and very relaxing making them. I was up 'til midnight. All alone. Peace and quiet! Just me and my cards....

What about you what would you do with that 15 minutes? Let me ask my STM Chicks....


Gaspegirl said...

If I had 15 mins.. hey wait! I just took 15 mins to surf the web, I guess I should get back to it now!

Scrappytbear said...

That sounds like a nice 15 minutes, there's NO WAY I could put out any cards in 15 minutes, lol it would take me that long to put back on my "card hat" after the kids lol!