Stamp & Scrap Trivia Game at The Chalet!
I posted a NEW GAME CHALLENGE at The Chalet! Click here to take you directly to the link!!!
It’s Stamp & Scrap Trivia Week! Whooo-hooo! Here’s how we’re going to play this game. Throughout the week, from August 15th thru the 22nd, I will post some Trivia questions at varying times during the day. The object is for you to come up with the correct answer and be the first one to PM it to me. Note that on some days, I will have more than one question. So the key is to check us out often!
You will get points as follows:
5 points = be the first person to PM me with the correct answer.
1 point = for other PMs I get with the correct answer. BUT only until I get a winner. Once the winner is more points will be given and no more PMs will be honored.
So you have to be QUICK in PMing me the correct answers to get points!
What do you WIN?!
$5 gift card from The Chalet = goes to the person with the most points by August 22nd.
GRAND PRIZE WINNER = all the participants will be eligible to win! So remember, the more you participate, the more your chances of winning this fabulous prize we have for you!!!
How do you WIN?!
All you need to do is stay tuned at The Chalet every day this week so you won’t miss the questions. I will post it under "Stamp & Scrap Trivia Question #". Remember, be the first person to PM me with the correct answer to get your 5 points! Oh yeah, one important thing to remember -- your PM must have “Trivia Question # (indicate which question number it is)" on the subject line.
How do you know if you WIN a Trivia question?!
I will post the correct person’s response under that post. That will also be your clue to know that the next Trivia question will be posted shortly after that!
Hope that all makes sense! Post any questions you have here. Otherwise, keen up on your scrapping and stamping know-how and play with us! Here's some hint on getting the correct answers --- Use any available resources you have in front of you!
Oh yeah, one more thing, I’m a stickler to following directions. So make sure you do! Ciao!!!
ya but what she doesnt tell you is that if you dont read the fine print and answer she takes points away!!!!! sheesh... the NERVE!
LOL Kat!!! I did say I'm a stickler for following instructions! LMBO! Besides, you have to know that Kat is not eligible to play. She's a DT member! And now she gets -15 points! HAH!
what a fun challenge
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