A Night Owl I Am!
My STM Blog Challenge this morning is to talk about whether we're an early bird or a night owl.
Well, these days, I'm forced to be an early bird. My DS wakes up by 7am so whether I'm ready to start my day or not, I'm up...I have to be! However, if I have my choice? I'm a definite Night Owl. I function better at night. I'm more productive, more creative. more energetic. I'm just more of everything at night! And I can stay up as late as the sky is blue! But don't dare wake me up early in the morning! :)
I'll have to do a scrapbook page of this soon....
How about you are you a Night Owl just like me? Or more of an early bird? 'Cause I tell you, I don't care to be catching no worm!
Have a good one!
well, next time I'm in chi-town and have free time--we can stay out late together!
well, next time I'm in chi-town and have free time--we can stay out late together!
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